Welcome to the new Railroad-Photos.com

Welcome to the newly revised railroad-photos.com!  This site will showcase images largely taken in and near Colorado, primarily from the digital photography era, though some older scanned slide images will be included.

In all cases where a digital camera was utilized, the date, camera model, lens setting, shutter and aperture information will all be included below the image.

9 galleries are included at this point.

1st, Colorado Joint Line is show cased.  This line runs between Denver, CO and Pueblo, CO.  Running through my home town in Castle Rock, this line is easy to access with abundant images regularly taken on the line.

2nd, the Moffat Line running out of Denver is shown.  The images on this section are largely taken between Denver and Pinecliff, though some images further west are included.

The third gallery shows the Abo Canyon area, taken on a trip in April 2005 prior to the start of reconstruction on the line.  Since that time, access has been limited, though hopefully with the completion of the line, additional images will again be possible showcasing the now double track line

A fourth gallery features the Twin Peaks Sub, running north from Des Moines, NM to Trinidad, CO.  This line, now largely limited to northbound movements, has abundant photographic possibilities, with a number of horseshoe curves, rugged scenery, and vertical curves.

The fifth gallery shows images taken on the Powder River coal line in 2004 and 2006.  Additional trips resulting in new images are hoped for later this year.

The sixth gallery shows Crawford Hill, NE, another coal line upgraded since the coal boom with a large volume of trains.  These were taken on the property of Ponderosa Ranch, a bed and breakfast that welcomes railfans.  Although only 1 trip has been made to the ranch, I highly recommend this bed and breakfast, and location, to all railfans.

The seventh gallery showcases the Cane Creek Sub, near Moab, UT, a personal favorite of mine.  A number of trips have been made and are showcased in the gallery.

The eighth gallery includes steam images taken in Colorado since 2004.  Colorado features a number of operating steam locomotives, many of which run in great, mountain locations.

Finally, some older images take from the 1970s in northern New Jersey are included.  It is hoped that additional, older images can be scanned and posted.  These are all slide images that have been scanned.

In addition to the gallery images, it is planned for the blog to discuss railroad photography and technique (to reply to a blog entry, click on the blog title at the top of the blog posting).  It is encourage that readers of the blog respond to blog posting, and feel free to ask railroad photography questions.

Tim –


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